Double Take Organizing

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Why technology doesn’t always save you time

William Penn once said, “Time is what we want the most but we use the worst.”

So how you do get more time? Well, the short answer is you can’t. There are only so many hours in the day but what you can do is use your time more wisely and productively. As my Dad always says, “Don’t work harder, work smarter!”

Now, I will be the first to admit there are some great uses of technology to save time. My iPhone, for example, is great as a small business owner because I can get back to potential clients quickly and easily without having to lug a laptop around with me. There are also a host of great apps that can help keep us organized.

However, here are a few technology time wasters that could be draining your time quicker than you can say, “How is it midnight already?”

#1 The social media suck

So you think to yourself, oh i’m just going to check my Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest  feed quickly and by the time you have gone through, replied to some messages and made a few posts two hours has flown by in a flash. The allure of social media is even stronger if you have a smartphone where messages can be sent and answered instantaneously. Be wary of spending too much time and be sure to block out specific times in your daily calendar for social media use.

#2 Sending ten emails or text messages instead of making a phone call

I know I have been guilty of this as well but picking up the phone is sometimes the quickest option to get the answers you need. We have become so used to texting and typing that we don’t consider doing this. I do think that both have their place but with longer or more complex conversations it might be best to go old school in order to save time not to mention your wrists. As an added benefit, speaking to someone on the phone gives you a chance to connect with someone in a way that smiley faces and emoticons simply can’t compare to. Ever been texting someone and wondering, “Hmm, was that a sarcastic comment or not?”

#3 GPS Systems

I think GPS’s are a great invention but I often think the route they choose is not always the fastest option. I have gone down enough gravel roads when there is a paved road nearby to know this to be true. Look at a map ahead of time, even if it’s on your phone or iPad, and know where you are going before you leave the house. You could even save yourself a accident in the process. Distracted driving is on the rise so why don’t we spent the fifteen minutes before we leave looking at a map, instead of looking at our Facebook page instead.

#5 Wearing a watch instead of using your cell phone to tell the time

I recently bought myself a new watch. I don’t know about you but I keep my phone in my purse. If I don’t wear a watch I have to rummage in my purse for my phone before I can find out the time while wearing a watch is just a simple turn of the wrist. As you can imagine, being an organizer, time is very important to me so when I don’t know what time it is I am lost. Is wearing a watch going to save you tons of time, in the grand scheme of things probably not much, but if you are the unorganized sort and don’t know where your phone is at least a watch is attached to you.

Happy organizing!

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Organizing gadgets for Dad

Since Father’s Day is this weekend, in honour of Fathers everywhere, I have decided to do a post on some cool gadgets Dad can use to get organized. Now, I don’t mean to stereotype but there are some more inherently male organizing products out there. To be fair, there are many products on this list that us lovely ladies can use as well.

For the sporty Dad

One of the biggest problems with a sport nut Dad is the obscene amount of sports equipment that he has. Why not clean up some of that sport clutter with these products.

Football Fan Watching Game

Sports rack and basket– Holds an assortment of different balls, baseball bats and other sports paraphenalia.

Golf rack and basket – Perfect for holding two golf bags and all the necessary golfing do dads and thing a ma bobs.

Fishing rod storage rack – For some reason, not sure why, my husband insists more than one fishing rod is necessary. If that is also the case for you then this may come in handy.

For the techy Dad

African American businessman talking on mobile phone, smiling

Super grip gadget pad – for your vehicle – This is a great for Dads on the go and if their cell phone is forever getting lost in between the seats or elsewhere in the car.

Mobile Phone Organizer – The beauty of this is that you never have to worry about where your phone is and whether it is charged. It is an all-around fantastic organizing tool not just for Dad’s but the whole family.

Cubby Wall Organizer – I don’t know about you but most guys I know are key impaired. This is the perfect thing to keep keys, cell phones, wallets and other items contained in so you always know where they are when leaving the house.

For the relaxing Dad

dad pic

Empty bottle organizer-Never face a broken beer bottle again with the help of this bottle organizer. It helps to prevent bottles from breaking when packed together.

Clicker Caddy – Remote control organizer – The age old problem of a lost remote is solved with this remote control organizer.

Wall Clip – Game Controller Storage and Organizer – If you have another kid, ahem, I mean a husband who likes games as much as the kids, these clips can be used to organize Xbox 360, Wii, and PS3 controllers.

For the handy Dad

Parts organizer – If your Dad is the handy sort, why not help him keep all of his hardware, screws, nuts, bolts and other parts organized.

Tool Organizer – You can’t go wrong with the tool organizer. This is the handyman’s dream organizer for easy access to all the tools he needs on a regular basis.

Last but not least

Tie Organizer – Nothing says Father’s Day like a tie but if your Dad has a multitude of them why not invest in an organizer to keep them wrinkle free and in easy reach.
Happy Father’s Day and happy organizing!

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Apptacular apps for getting organized – Round one

One of the best things about getting organized is time. More time to live, love, laugh and all the other important things in life.

What a better way to save future hours, minutes and seconds then to use all the great technology at your disposal. Yes, I know what you are all thinking, it does require a bit of time to set these apps up but as with any organizing project if you maintain it and are consistent the organizing will give back again and again.

Alas, without further ado, in no specific order, here is a list of the most apptacular apps I have come across for home organizing.

Chick texting

Evernote – This apps slogan is, “Remember everything.” It syncs all your devices, lets you share notes with friends and colleagues, helps plan your next trip keeping all trip documents in one place, reduces paper clutter, takes pictures etc. They also have a variety of other apps that are equally fantastic!

My things, where are they? – The name gives it away but this app lets you list where everything is at home, work, storage etc. for easy retrieval. Of course if you move it, be sure to update the app. On a serious note, this is also important for insurance and safety reasons. Having a detailed list of items is always good in case of theft, fire and other emergencies.

Bill organizer -Once again, pretty self-explanatory but amazingly useful, plus imputing the data into the app is just an extra reminder. Even if you have internet banking this app can be helpful.

Topanga – This app allows you to keep track of everything you buy. It is great for large purchases because you can keep warranties, manuals and receipts together.

iPassword Manager – Everyone has million different passwords to remember so the great thing about this app is that it allows you to save every password you have to one main password that you can easily remember.

Neat listA great to-do list that lets you email tasks and also links to Dropbox, which is an amazing feature. Creating to-do lists is often all you need to motivate yourself to complete a project. Completing a task can even become, dare I say, addictive.

Motivated moms – This app gives you daily to-do’s and chore lists for busy moms. You can also add new to-dos. As if there isn’t a mom out there who couldn’t benefit from this app.

Carrot-The To-Do list with a personality – This is truly an app that makes organizing fun. If you have a sense of humour and can appreciate the app saying things like, “Hello lazy human,” then this apps for you.

Digit universal remote control– Okay so this isn’t organizing per say but I know I would save time every day if I didn’t have to search for the remote. However, lose your cell phone too and then you’re in trouble.

Happy organizing!
